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☑️42. Experimental NFTs

Experimental NFTs is a non-fungible token collection on the Tezos blockchain. It was launched in September 2021 by Prof. NOTA. These NFTs represent access cards.

Note: Experimental NFTs are 100% minted completely!

Spin-Off: It begins after MyReceipt sits and talks a lot with Prof. Bobby Penjaitan Bedah Daleman, a collagist that was developed from a photographer. MyReceipt was introduced by the professor to the Hic et Nunc, now TEIA, the present decentralized application that allows its users to manage decentralized digital assets, serving as a public smart contract infrastructure on Tezos Blockchain.

Launcher: Prof. NOTA
tz Creator: 1feFH8UBVKEuefC1nFt3SX3brbn67vxRdL
Developer: Prof. NOTA
Artist: Prof. NOTA X MyReceipt
Royalty: 14.74% on, 100% distributed to Prof. NOTA.

All of those are some experimental OBJKTs that were minted and listed by Prof. NOTA on Hic et Nunc, now TEIA. You can collect all of them in your own wallet.

— Source: Experimental NFTs on

— Source: Experimental NFTs on

The Objectives...

  1. Doing an exploration to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the NFTs market and community on the Tezos blockchain.

  2. Play around with A.I. artwork while learning how to introduce it to Tezos NFT collectors.

  3. One of the last attempts to find help and support from 0101 Universe by sailing the Tezos blockchain.

  4. A farewell with the Universe of Reality, your reality, your real life.

  5. One of the last attempts, with the hope of generating revenue for the additional costs of building The KING's Office.

Holder Benefit...

UnderWater Fungus - Sold in 25 minutes

Last updated