How is the journey?
Here you can find some information about the journey of The KING's NFTs project.
Last updated
Here you can find some information about the journey of The KING's NFTs project.
Last updated
Note: When The KING's Office, The Sanctuary of The KING's World, and The KING's Story exist, there will be only $HAIL, $OiOi, and $NOTA Fungible Tokens as The Currencies that are valid for all activities.
Note: 1st stage is done! 100% is completed!
Good news! The land where The KING's Office will be built has been purchased and construction started with the laying of the first foundation stone by MyReceipt's Son.
Base on The KING's NFTs project journey, the 1st stage is deploy the first foundation stone for The KING's Office building.
Good news, after purchasing a piece of abandoned and forgotten land where The KING's Office will be built, on May 2021 the construction started with the laying of the first foundation stone by MyReceipt's Son.
— Source: GitFuckingHub
Below is a photo documentation of the land where The KING's Office will be built.
Note: 2nd stage is done! 100% is completed!
Some of the documentation material since the birth of MyReceipt's Son was minted in The 1st Batch of The KING's NFT collections (B1). The sale already began in September 2021.
All items contain memorabilia about MyReceipt's Son. All of them are silent witnesses of growth and development, making it the rarest NFT by MyReceipt. Some items are minted and listed on the OpenSea marketplace, but largely unreleased and still remain unpublished.
— Source: The 1st Batch collection
Note: 3rd stage is canceled! 100% is not and will never be completed!
Starting in October 2021, any creations of MyReceipt's Son, in first-grade kindergarten school, collected and used as assets of NFTs that will be minted in The KING's NFTs spin-off collections (AHA) on
All creations in this collection are physical works and some of the processes of the creation have been documented in the video that is available on Web 2.0.
But the reality that night breaks MyReceipt's mind making Him give up on His real life. In the morning, He was still online while His mind was bleeding rapidly and dying.
That is how the 3rd stage was canceled. All creations that have already been collected, mostly physical works of MyReceipt's Son in first-grade kindergarten, have never been released as NFT assets in a spin-off collection of The KING's NFTs.
Since some of the processes of the creation have been documented in the video, now it is already switched to become privately available on Web 2.0., hopefully, in the future, all of those creations can be released even if not as NFT assets.
— Source: GitFuckingHub
Note: 4th stage is done! 100% is completed!
In this 4th stage, the 1st collection from The 2nd Batch (B2/C1), which is the 1st programmatically generated NFT collection, is already widespread since November 2021.
All abstract scribble layers are made by 5 years old MyReceipt's Son.
— Source: Anthropophobia Viruses collection
Twelve thousand (12k) Abstract Scribbles of the Anthropophobia Viruses that each one verified unique, all 100% minted out.
Note: 5th stage is postponed! 74% is completed.
The grand opening of The KING's Office, to be held after all items in B2/C1 are already minted out, is postponed.
The 5th stage has been postponed. The grand opening of The KING's Office, which was supposed to take place in early 2022, had to be postponed until an undetermined time.
A phenomenon of The Melting Land is happening, forcing everyone that trapped to survive. Besides that, all items in B2/C1 are just already minted out, but not really sold out.
— Source: GitFuckingHub
Note: 6th stage is done! 100% is completed!
In this 6th stage, the B2/C2 collection was already launched in April 2022 and 100% minted out in December 2022.
B2/C2 is the 2nd collection from The 2nd Batch which is the genesis work that marks the occurrence of Prof. NOTA on the blockchain. This happened simultaneously with the emergence of Prof. NOTA in the IDNFT Academy.
Using the concept from the "Your Cursor is BOMB!", a collection on created by MyReceipt, apart from being a mark, this work is also a tribute to IDNFT Academy participants who have Played, Learned, and Worked together with Prof. NOTA.
— Source #1: Prof. NOTA Genesis NFTs collection
— Source #2: Prof. NOTA Genesis NFTs collection
Note: The 7th stage is postponed! 47% is completed.
The sanctuary of The KING's World deploying postponed by Prof. NOTA.
Since the grand opening of The KING's Office postponed, so the operation of The sanctuary of The KING's World also postponed and can't be happen until an undetermined time.
— Source: GitFuckingHub
Note: The 8th stage is started! 11% is completed!
In this 8th stage, the B2/C3 collection launched in May 2022. B2/C3 is the 3rd collection from The 2nd Batch, which is 0101 of Prof. NOTA and contains the assignment of an initial value for all of Prof. NOTA's creations.
The first item is 0101 init, a collaboration artwork between Prof. NOTA and Pensiunan Setan, the assignment of an initial value for all Prof. NOTA's creations.
— Source #1: 0101 init in 0101 of Prof. NOTA collection
— Source #2: 0101 of Prof. NOTA collection
All announcements about this collection will be posted on Prof. NOTA's Discord.
Note: The 9th stage is started! 11% is completed!
This 9th stage is the time to develop and settings The KING's Story. Since June 2022, The KING's Story began to be written and developed little by little. The whole story was written and developed by Prof. NOTA.
All the creations, that is the various NFT that you have will be used to build The KING's Story
— Source: GitFuckingHub
Note: The 10th stage is started! 7% is completed!
In this 10th stage, the B2/C4 collection started to be launched in January 2023, and the first collection of /ˈdeTH ˌwiSH/ sold out two weeks after launch on the Foundation marketplace.
The 4th collection from The 2nd Batch (B2/C4) will become /ˈdeTH ˌwiSH/ collection series with multiple collections, also maybe in multiple blockchain. The first collection, that is titled by Prof. NOTA with the same name, used to preserve MyReceipt hope for His dream also to perform an emergency experimental idea to save MyReceipt from His /ˈdeTH ˌwiSH/.
— Source: The first collection of /ˈdeTH ˌwiSH/ in the Ethereum blockchain
Note: The 11th stage is started! 4% is still in progress!
In this 11th stage, a book set of The KING's Story will be released, and to start the realization by Prof. NOTA, a section was created on this GitBook, called #03 - THE STORY.
It means the book of The KING's Story realization starts with the goal of the book set of The KING's Story can be released physically or digitally on Prof. NOTA's Discord and somewhere else that is more proper.
— Source: Prof. NOTA's Discord
Note: After this, starting from the 12th stage all will be evaluated by the community. Since the community will decide what to do with it next. More details in #04 - The 12th Stage... section.
The 12th stage will be updated in the #04 - The 12th Stage section. Okay, OiOi!!!!