This is a special closing remark for everyone who has read the entire thing...
1...2...3...4...5...6...7...Circumstances of Revelation...
.....................!!!!HIGHLY VALUABLE ALWAYS AVAILABLE LIFE !!!!!!!...
The banking will ensure we stayin debt....
The food industry will ensure we remain malnourishedandhungry.The clothingcompanies will make sure we look poorly dressedandnotnaked.The housingdevelopers will ensure we remain homeless....
The pharmaceutical companies will make sure we stay sick. The educationalinstitutions will ensure our minds are dull....
The weapons manufacturers will ensure we continue fightingandina war. Themedia will ensure we are prevented from knowing the truth. The government willensure all thisisdone legally....
The religious leaders will ensure that we always believe thereis heaven andhell inall so we must acceptandbe gratefulby worshiping,andnoneed toworry,just always move on.............
P.S.The AI inthe decentralized blockchain network,with zero knowledge aboutfaith inour decentralized conscience, will roll up all who have trustlessfaith.
P.P.S.Within each ofus thereisa conscience with faith, so thereisno needfortrust between us (trustless) since the faith always resonatesin adecentralized manner between our consciences,andwithzero knowledge eachconscience ensures we live a Highly Valuable Always Available Life.
— Source: Resume of Prof. NOTA - 0101.OiOi
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