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Polygon $HAIL FTs

Polygon $HAIL FTs is a fungible token on the Polygon blockchain. It was launched in October 2021 by MyReceipt. The tokens allow holders to gain access to the /ˈdeTH ˌwiSH/ series by Prof. NOTA.

Note: Polygon $HAIL FTs are 100% minted completely!

This is the way you can get the Polygon $HAIL Fungible Tokens.

The Polygon $HAIL FTs can be claimed if you are holders of the Anthropophobia Viruses (B2/C1). Please access Prof. NOTA's Discord to claim it and read more information and updates.

On the Polygon blockchain there only 47,000,000,000 $HAIL and the Polygon $HAIL FTs value is 1 $HAIL ~ 0.001001001 $OiOi in Prof. NOTA's Discord.

— Source #1: GitFuckingHub — Source #2: $HAIL on PolygonScan

Warning: The Polygon $HAIL FTs are deprecated and Prof. NOTA migrated to become Tezos $HAIL FTs with a new smart contract. Please follow all instructions on Prof. NOTA's Discord to claim it and please don't ignore this!!!!

The Objectives...

  1. Incentivize holders of Anthropophobia Viruses (B2/C1) for participating in developing and setting The KING's NFTs project.

  2. Utility tokens to be used by the OiOi Community, in the territory of ENDHONESA Country in The Melting Land.

Holder Benefit...

Last updated