ROTY BROI dETH has changed its name to ROTY BASE dETH to shred the BASE blockchain and to survive The Melting Land. This is a collection of NFTs by Prof. NOTA as a memorial of The Melting Land.
Note: ROTY BASE dETH will be released soon on the BASE blockchain!
Spin-Off: In memory of those innocents who died during The Melting Land phenomenon. This is ROTY BASE dETH on the BASE Blockchain as a memorial for those who did not survive The Melting Land. Here you will meet those who did not survive The Melting Land.
Go get it, love it, hold it, and miss them all!!!!
In Memoriam of Someone Special that Never Forgotten
She is someone special that will never be forgotten. She is the wife of The ROTY BROI #530. She died in The Melting Land phenomenon.
With a broken heart and sadness, he misses her more daily. Everyone will never know what he feels or thinks, but a man's cry is an honest cry.
β Source: Prof. NOTA's Discord
In Memoriam of The Life's Companion
She is life's companion. She is the wife of The ROTY BROI #936. She died in The Melting Land phenomenon.
The last message she said to him was, "Thank you for giving me memories and wanting to be my life's companion. I apologize if while being your companion I still have many shortcomings. I hope you are always happy and blessed after this. Amen!"
β Source: Prof. NOTA's Discord
In Memoriam of The Guardian and The Protector
She is guard and protects the wealth and property of her husband. She is the wife of The ROTY BROI #834. She died in The Melting Land phenomenon.
In the absence of her husband, she is in charge of the house. There are also many specific fields where she will still dictate even when her husband is around.
Regarding this matter, she is getting expensive gifts more frequently from his husband.
β Source: Prof. NOTA's Discord
The BASEDLIST is the whitelist address that will get greater allocation to mint the ROTY BASE dETH than the public mint. The BASEDLIST will be collected from two kinds of sources, first are the addresses that hold any NFTs and FTs that are written in WAIVFVES #1 Mapping, and second are those that dropped their address on any post from X account of the @ROTYBASEdETH.
Other than that, the ROTY BASE dETH is open to collaborations with any existing project to promote and allocate the BASEDLIST to their holders' community.
For any questions, please mention X account of the @ROTYBASEdETH.
The roadmap for this collection still refers to the roadmap of the previous collection, namely The ROTY BROI collection. That's why it is called the BASEDMAP although it has many changes and updates.
But, all the explanations for any changes and updates have already been written. Please read carefully the complete BASEDMAP below and pay attention to the β and β signs. The β sign means it has been completed. The β sign means canceled, not executed, or replaced with an update.
In your reality, your real life, it has been proven that the skateboard is an almost limitless land vehicle, has no pollution, is fun to ride, and is challenging to skate with various tricks or maneuvers.
Although the future is elusive, The Melting Land moves quickly on the surface of Earth, and our roadmap is just our hope, but together we will be exploring the unknown by shredding The Melting Land with our skateboard.
So, let's shredding the BASE blockchain together, OiOi!!!!
β Source: LIVE MINT (To Be Announced) β Source: ROTY BASE dETH on market (To Be Announced)
The Objectives...
As a medium for pouring stories from MyReceipt's thoughts about the phenomenon in the reality of his life that should be a gift.
It is a satirical medium that informs the general public to care about the surrounding environment as the only reality they have.
Generating revenue for living expenses for MyReceipt so Prof. NOTA is unimpeded to continue developing, setting, and running the story of The Melting Land.
For Prof. NOTA expression, and fun with Them on Web3.
Holder Benefit...
All ROTY BASE dETH holders, at least 1 supply, are able to stake their NFT to get a utility token reward, that is the Ethereum $OiOi Fungible Tokens. Please stake your NFT, and claim your reward on the staking contract.
All ROTY BASE dETH holders, at least 1 supply, are whitelisted for The Melting Land collection that will be released on the BASE blockchain. Please go to Prof. NOTA's Discord for more information, and Prof. NOTA can include your address to allowlist for early access.
All ROTY BASE dETH holders, at least 1 supply, are whitelisted for the Amanda Wives collection that will be released on the BASE blockchain.
All ROTY BASE dETH holders, at least 1 supply, are whitelisted for the 2nd /ΛdeTH ΛwiSH/ collection that will be released on the blockchain.
Last updated
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