Staking The ROTY BROI is deprecated since a known vulnerability impacted the smart contract of Polygon #OiOi FTs. Please follow all instructions written here and please don't ignore it!!!!
Please follow all instructions written here.
Please don't ignore this!!!!
1. Revoke Approvals
For all of you, there are no exceptions, if your address already holds the Polygon $OiOi FTs, please revoke approvals on the smart contract of Polygon $OiOi FTs using REVOKE.CASH, which will protect you before the mitigation process.
Here is the vulnerable smart contract address of Polygon $OiOi FTs:
0xc5f6fa36bAF5bc15d68DAd00fAcA72Fc4E843C25 - OiOi Token [Locked]
2. New Smart Contract
The mitigation steps are already locking the vulnerable smart contract, and migrating to a new smart contract without the known vulnerability.
Here is the new smart contract address of Polygon $OiOi FTs:
0x83fD0F66eA4f55D846c44539fD7BdB8F0a1d25Df - OiOi Token
The ROTY BROI NFTs holders snapshot was already done on December 10, 2023, at 11:11 AM GMT+7, and the Polygon $OiOi FTs airdropped via ThirdWeb engine.
Below is the list of 172 address that already airdropped with the Polygon $OiOi FTs:
201 NFTs are currently staked, here is the list of the NFTs:
The ROTY BROI #9 ^
The ROTY BROI #13 #
The ROTY BROI #26 \
The ROTY BROI #34 [
The ROTY BROI #37 %
The ROTY BROI #57 #
The ROTY BROI #99 #
The ROTY BROI #115 [
The ROTY BROI #116 [
The ROTY BROI #117 [
The ROTY BROI #118 [
The ROTY BROI #119 [
The ROTY BROI #120 [
The ROTY BROI #121 #
The ROTY BROI #123 [
The ROTY BROI #124 [
The ROTY BROI #127 [
The ROTY BROI #138
The ROTY BROI #139
The ROTY BROI #140
The ROTY BROI #141 %
The ROTY BROI #143
The ROTY BROI #145
The ROTY BROI #146
The ROTY BROI #147
The ROTY BROI #148
The ROTY BROI #149 #
The ROTY BROI #151 #
The ROTY BROI #154
The ROTY BROI #174 #
The ROTY BROI #193 =
The ROTY BROI #195 =
The ROTY BROI #196 =
The ROTY BROI #197 =
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The ROTY BROI #1043 +
If you are an owner of one or more NFTs listed above, please unstake your NFTs by interacting with The ROTY BROI staking contract. Below are all the instructions to interact with the staking contract.
Note: This tutorial will tell you how to interact with the staking contract of The ROTY BROI NFTs on the Polygon blockchain. Please follow these guidances to interact successfully with the staking contract!
4.1. Preparation...
Set the Polygon network on your wallet, mostly MetaMask.
Connect your wallet by hitting "Connect to Web3" and "confirm" with your wallet.
Scroll down till you find function number 9 ==> setApprovalForAll (0xda3ef23f).
Fill in the "operator (address)" field with The ROTY BROIstaking contract address; 0xd3f8c00bbe73be6d1f8a0e3a4f2ea4b2c026312c, and fill in the "approved (bool)" with "true" value, after that you can hit the "Write" button and "confirm" with your wallet.
Now you are ready to interact with The ROTY BROI staking contract.
Connect your wallet by hitting "Connect to Web3" and "confirm" with your wallet.
There are three functions; "claimRewards", "stake", and "withdraw". Choose the "withdraw" function to unstake The ROTY BROI NFTs.
If you want to claim your $OiOi FTs rewards, choose "claimRewards" by hitting the "Write" button and "confirm" with your wallet. Your $OiOi FTs will be transferred from the staking contract to your address.
If you want to stake The ROTY BROI NFTs, choose the "stake" by filling the "_rotybroiId (uint256)" field with the ID of The ROTY BROI NFTs that you own and want to stake, after that, you can hit the "Write" button and "confirm" with your wallet.
To unstake The ROTY BROI NFTs, choose "withdraw" by filling the "_rotybroiId (uint256)" field with the ID of The ROTY BROI NFTs you own that are already staked and you want to unstake it, after that, you can hit the "Write" button and "confirm" with your wallet.
Every time you interact with the staking contract, make sure you have enough $MATIC balance in your address to pay the Polygon gas fee. If you have any errors or any issues with the staking contract, please ask on Prof. NOTA's Discord.
4.3. What to do after unstake...
After you are done unstake The ROTY BROI NFTs, please go to Prof. NOTA's Discord server, and go to the "Firewall Check" channel to verify your address.
If your verification process runs well, your Discord account will be assigned the "HODLERS" role so you can access the "#41-the-roty-broi-✅" channel. Please mention Prof.NOTA in this channel to claim your Polygon #OiOi FTs.
For any question, please drop it in the "Public Scripts" channel.